
Proprietary “deep-etch” technology
80º sidewalls for up to 900nm thickness of LiNbO3 etching (loss < 0.2 dB/cm)

Wafer-scale fabrication
Photonic and RF circuits with scalable and high throughput fabrication techniques.

MPW runs
We offer Multi Project Wafer (MPW) runs that are either base-on or compatible with our PDK stack.

Dedicated Runs
We process dedicated wafer runs based on customs designs or our PDK.

Optical & RF testing
Our fully-automated characterization setups allow full-chip optical and RF characterization.
Verified Process Design Kit (PDK)

Low loss waveguides
20 dB/m (single mode) and < 10 dB/m (multimode)

Edge couplers
1.5 dB/facet loss (optical lensed fibers)

Optical quality factor > 1 Mio

Low loss bends
Bending loss < 0.5%

Splitters / Combiners
Imbalance < 5%

Electro-optic phase modulators
Efficiency: VπL < 3Vcm

Co-planar waveguides
Loss @ 30 GHz < 4 dB/cm

Intensity modulators
70 GHz bandwidth (3dB)
PDK Access

Pilot Multi-Project Wafer Runs
MPW design submission deadline
02 June 2025 (LN4007)
MPW design submission deadline
01 October 2025 (LN4008)